Raising awareness of evil

The Law of Free Will is quite simple to understand. What is allowed to exist on earth depends on what we allow in the collective consciousness.

All human beings in embodiment are part of the collective consciousness. As an individual, you either help pull the collective consciousness up or you help pull it down.

How does an individual influence the collective? By what we know, believe in and find acceptable. But also by our level of awareness, our level of consciousness.

As an example, take the issue of slavery. For thousands of years, slavery was part of almost every culture on earth. Most people who lived in such societies accepted without question that society was divided into classes, for example a privileged elite, the majority of the population and a class of slaves who were not treated as human beings.

Hardly anyone questioned this division of society so according to the Law of Free Will, slavery was allowed to exist. This was allowed because there was not a critical mass of human beings who had come to see slavery as not acceptable to them.

Naturally, slavery was brought to earth by the fallen beings who love to have some people that they can treat as property. They would actually prefer to treat all human beings like property, and in some cases they have done so.

There was a very gradual development that led to the official outlawing of slavery (at various times in different countries, but mostly during the 1800s). In Europe it started with he Magna Carta and the concept that human beings have certain rights that the rulers of society cannot take away from them. Obviously, this was not an idea that came from the fallen beings but from the ascended masters.

As a side note, consider the very fact that the concept of human rights is based on the idea that no power on earth has the right to violate our rights. Yet what power would do so? Naturally, the fallen beings. So the very concept of human rights is really meant to protect us from the fallen beings, meaning there has always been an unspoken awareness that the population needs protection from some force in their own society, namely a power elite of fallen beings.

As the acceptance of the concepts of rights gradually grew, there was also a growing awareness that slavery needed to be questioned. Some societies in praxis abandoned slavery before it was officially outlawed, even before those countries had a democratic Constitution.

The first modern democracy, namely the United States, was created in 1776, and it was based on the Declaration of Independence, which talks about all people having inalienable rights, among them life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The fact that some of these “united” states had an economy based on slavery only shows that humanity had not yet risen above the consciousness that allowed slavery.

Yet after more time had passed and more democracies had been created, there was a shift in the collective consciousness. Suddenly, more and more people began looking at slavery as something unacceptable. This was not really a matter of having heated debates where people presented rational arguments for or against slavery (although such debates did take place in some countries and did have a positive effect). It was a shift in consciousness where it suddenly seemed obvious, even self-evident, to many people that slavery was not acceptable and was not compatible with a democratic society.

What actually happened in this process was that there was a gradual shift that allowed more and more people to make an intuitive connection to the underlying reality that all life is one. This was not something people were consciously aware of. They connected intuitively to what we might call our “basic humanity,” which allows us to sense kinship with other human beings.

Only when you see other people as belonging to a separate class, can you enslave them. You cannot enslave your own kind of people. So once you begin to see all people as your own kind of people, slavery is no longer acceptable. This is not a matter of analytical argumentation but an inner knowing, an intuitive experience.

(Naturally, there is still slavery, including human trafficking, but that only shows that a small percentage of the population have not yet made the shift in consciousness. And the majority have not yet made the shift that makes it impossible for such people to embody on earth.)

Removing evil one step at a time

The conclusion is simple. Removing evil is not going to be done in one giant leap. It is going to be done one issue at a time.

Slavery is one issue where a shift has already occurred. In many parts of the world, there has been another important shift, namely towards a democratic form of government. A critical mass of people have come to the point where it seems obvious to them that a dictatorial form of government (that does not respect the rights of its own citizens) is no longer acceptable to them.

Yet we can point to any number of issues where this critical shift towards connecting to our basic humanity has not yet occurred. A few examples are the fact that people in the affluent nations can still enjoy their comfortable lifestyles while a majority of the world’s population live in poverty and millions of children die from malnutrition every year. Another obvious example is that war is still seen as acceptable, necessary or unavoidable by a majority of people.

We can therefore see that there is an ongoing process of removing evil, and it has certain stages:

  • A certain issue has not yet become an issue, meaning that no one questions it. They either accept it as necessary or they just don’t think about it as a problem. It is part of the PIN (Programmed Illusion of Normality).
  • The issue now becomes defined and there is a growing awareness that there is a problem and that this is not normal. A debate slowly begins to form. Perhaps a writer writes a book that focuses attention on the problem, as for example the British writer Charles Dickens focused attention on the situation of the poor in English society.
  • The debate becomes more and more polarised in the sense that two factions form, one promoting one extreme viewpoint or solution and the other promoting the opposite viewpoint or solution. This polarisation of the debate is a sure sign that the fallen beings have entered the debate and are trying to use it for their agendas. This is usually caused by an aspiring power elite thinking they can use the issue to take power from an established elite.
  • The debate gradually shifts to a higher level where it begins to become obvious that neither of the two extreme factions have the highest view of the issue. Instead, people gradually begin to connect to the basic humanity and a new view of the issue becomes obvious to a critical mass of people.
  • A decisive shift occurs and society enacts new laws to deal with the issue.
  • There may now be a phase where some people in society seek to undermine the laws or the resolve of the population. This can lead a society to take a backward step, but it can also bring a society forward where the people who do not have the basic humanity fade away (at least on this issue).

The basic dynamic of any society

Any society, democratic or otherwise, has a basic dynamic that is not generally understood. The fact is that people can be loosely divided into three groups. Take care to understand that this is not based on any outer status or characteristics. It is based on the level of consciousness of the people. The level of consciousness is based on how connected people are to the basic humanity, or how stuck they are in narrow self-interest. We can talk about three levels of humanity:

  • The highest level is where people have an intuitive connection to the basic humanity that says all human beings are part of a whole. Thus, what I do to you, also affects myself. This is actually the spiritual reality behind the saying (found in most religions) of doing onto others what you want them to do to you. At this level of awareness, people have overcome what we normally call selfishness or egotism. They are not acting based on a narrow self-interest of what they think is good for themselves right now. They are acting based on a more long-term perspective that all life is connected, and thus what you do to others, will sooner or later come back to yourself. An individual is acting as part of the whole.
  • The medium level (which has a broad range) is where people have not yet connected to the basic humanity, but they have overcome the more narrow-minded forms of selfishness. This means people are primarily focused on themselves, but not to the point where they will deliberately or maliciously harm others. People at this level may not be aware that they are connected to all people, but if they see that their actions harm others, they are willing to change those actions.
  • The lowest level is where people have no sense of the basic humanity. They see themselves as separate individuals, and they believe that they can harm others without harming themselves. They believe they can do something that harms or limits others and get away with it. This is the level where you find the most selfish and egotistical people. It is, naturally, the level of awareness that the fallen beings have. Yet not all people with this level of awareness are fallen beings. Some have become convinced by the fallen consciousness that it is necessary to fight for an epic cause, even if this means killing other people. Others are simply so self-focused that they don’t care about anything else, which is what is found in criminals of all kinds.

What you find in most societies is that the population can be divided into three groups based on their level of awareness:

  • The top 10% are people with the highest level of humanity, or at least people who are beginning to connect to their basic humanity.
  • The 80% of the general population are people with a medium level of humanity, beings focused on themselves but not willing to harm others.
  • The bottom 10% are the most selfish people. Here you find fallen beings, criminals and psychopaths of every description.

Take note of a very important distinction. The people in the bottom 10% are not all criminals or easily identified as evil people. Many of them are the leaders of society and can be found in government, the military and business. The thing that sets them apart is their level of humanity, meaning their willingness to force, harm or kill other human beings for a cause (the ends can justify the means).

The fallen beings are generally very good at camouflaging themselves and will often appear to be normal or even altruistic people. They often appear to be very wise and capable, even very powerful people. In many cases, they are difficult to distinguish, unless one can see that they truly believe that the end can justify the means.

What is the basic dynamic of a society? Well, it is a matter of who is leading that society. Yet this is not a matter of who is leading in the sense of holding positions of power in society’s institutions. It is a matter of who is leading in terms of pulling the collective consciousness up or down.

The 80% of the population are never the leaders. Nevertheless, according to the Law of Free Will, it is only when the awareness of the population shifts that a society can leave behind a particular aspect of evil.

The question now becomes whether the 80% will follow the top 10% or the bottom 10%? This is the essential question that decides the progress or regress of any society.

Historically, it is easy to see that in most societies, the bottom 10% (led by a small elite of fallen beings) have taken command and have pulled the 80% into following them, often blindly. History is littered with examples of the calamities that are produced when the 80% blindly follow the bottom 10%. We really don’t need to produce more examples of how disastrous it is to have a population that is led by the fallen beings.

What is beginning to happen in many democratic nations is that the top 10% are providing a new form of leadership that causes the 80% to follow the top 10%. This often does not mean that people in the top 10% are taking up leadership positions in society (at least not in large numbers). It is more a matter of people making their voices heard by speaking out. This has never been easier with the advent of the Internet and other forms of communication.

Naturally, many of these well-meaning people do not have the full understanding of how fallen beings influence society. Thus, many of them fall into the trap of actually working for a cause defined by the fallen beings (often by helping an aspiring power elite defeat an established elite). Yet with the knowledge given on this website, people can quickly raise themselves above the illusions of the fallen beings and find a balanced approach to issues based on an intuitive connection to the basic humanity. If this website can contribute to this process, it will have fulfilled its purpose.

NEXT PAGE: Overcoming duality